Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Powering Through

I did NOT want to wake up this morning.  My alarm interrupted a wonderfully deep sleep and a really good dream (that I don't remember, dangit!).  I lay there for a few minutes, trying to come up with the perfect reason for why I couldn't go running.  Why staying in bed was actually the right thing for me to do.  I muttered a few curse words.  But I knew that I would be far happier if I went running.  And I love beginning my day with a major accomplishment.  For me, that results in more good choices (usually) and a healthy feeling of pride.  It becomes a powerful weapon in my fight against my propensity to doubt my self-worth and think negatively about myself.    

About to head out the door, and still not very happy about running.  Doesn't it look like there's a goose egg on the top of my head?  Like I'm a cartoon character that just got hit.  :)  

After a quick one-minute walking "warm-up" (it was pretty cold outside!), I started running.  Within 30 seconds I was so, so, so happy that I decided to run.  It was spectacularly gorgeous outside and I felt happy and light.  The stars were bright and crisp, and I ran under The Big Dipper and Orion (and other constellations that I can't name).  My iPod decided that it would immediately play my very favorite songs and I felt like I could run forever.  Running felt easy and natural, which isn't usually the case.  By the time I came home (4.5 miles later), I felt like this:

After stretching and talking for a bit with Tyler and Maia, I decided to do some planks.  They make me feel like this:

After my first 100-second plank (with toe taps).  

Mid-plank.  You can't tell, but Maia was really making me laugh, which was fun, but made planking much harder.  So, I both curse her and thank her.  :)

My sweet plank-timer.  Maia has to get up at 6 to be ready to catch the bus at 6:55.  She is a true morning person, though, and usually moves through her morning with a smile.  Lucky me since she's my first teenager!  Maddie is another story when it comes to waking up...lots of growling.  :)  

Enjoy your day!  Choose to do something that will bring you real, lasting happiness.  You won't regret it!  

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