Saturday, February 27, 2016

Chorus Run

On Thursday, I decided to do a "chorus run".  If I'm running solo, I always listen to music on my iPod.  So, for a chorus run, I pick up the pace whenever I'm listening to the chorus of a song.  I'm not sprinting, but I increase my speed by at least a minute per mile.  I ran an easy 2-mile warm-up, and then did a 2.5-mile chorus run.  I am not a big fan of speed work (it hurts!), so the unpredictable nature of this workout appeals to me.  I have no idea how many "reps" I have left to do, so I'm not constantly thinking about how much longer I have to suffer.  As much.  :)  I have learned, though, that the last part of a song is almost always all chorus.  Agh!  After the bridge, bam! 
I like thinking that this type of workout prepares me for surging past people in races.  And no matter how tired I am, when that chorus comes, I go for it.  It reminds me that I can still pick up the pace with tired legs.  

My knees started aching a tiny bit during this run, for the first time in months.  I realized then that I'd been neglecting the strength exercises that I think were instrumental in my finally returning to running last year.  As soon as I got home, the repentance process began, and I reminded my knees that I do indeed love them.  I thought I'd share two of these exercises with y'all, in case your knees are a bit sad.  

*Disclaimer: I am not a physical therapist, but these exercises were prescribed to me by one.  If you have further questions about how to do these exercises, you should probably not count on me, but consult a pro.  

The first exercise consists of the above and below pictures.  You bend the leg you're standing on until your knee is lined up over your first couple of toes (for me, this means that my knee follows a slightly diagonal path, slanting inwards).  As you straighten that leg, you squeeze your bum, both to strengthen it, and to remind it to fire and support your legs when you're running.  
Bonus: a cuter bum!  Ha.  :)  
I do 15 reps, slowly, followed by 15 faster ones, on each leg.  30 reps total.  

The next exercise targets your hips.  It's a tough one!  For me, anyway.  The exercise is simple, though.  See below:

You lay on one side with your back against the wall, and lift your top leg up until it's basically vertical and then lower it back down.  40 reps on each leg.  This sets my muscles on fire.  It's awesome.  And yes, I always look this happy when I work my hips.  

I try to do these exercises, along with planks, at least three days a week.  

New birthday outfit #2!  The tank top is from Old Navy, and the capris are from Athleta, and I LOVE the pants.  The tank, too, but oh, the pants!  They're so comfy and move with me perfectly when I run.  I wore them again today on a run with my new running buddies (a topic for another post).  They are seriously the coolest women, and I'm feeling very lucky that they're letting me crash their running party.  

About to get out of the car to run with my buds.  6:30 a.m.  Look at all that light!  Spring is coming!  

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