Today is a good day. I can feel hope and optimism creeping back into my mind. All morning I've been thinking of one of my favorite quotes, by Leonard Cohen:
"Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in."
A beautiful, worthwhile life does not require perfection!
The weather matches my mood this morning:
Looking east from my back porch
The western view from my back porch
I did a speedwork session at the gym this morning. It consisted of a half-mile warm-up, one mile at 8:20/mile pace, a half-mile jogging recovery, another mile at a 8:20/mile pace, and then one mile at a relatively easy pace for a total of four miles.
Maintaining an 8:20/mile pace for an entire mile, TWICE, was tough! But I did it! What amazes me is that that was my pace for my entire recent 5K race! That just demonstrates the power of race-day adrenaline and the competitive spirit.
After my time on the treadmill, I did two bicep and two tricep exercises (with free weights) and then the chest press (on a machine). My arms were so tired when I got home that they shook when I shampooed my hair and plucked my eyebrows. :)
For breakfast, I had my usual, daily smoothie. It's a recipe of my own design and it's delicious and crazy good for you! It consists of:
1/2 cup frozen blueberries
1 banana
6 - 10 frozen or fresh strawberries (more if fresh)
About 3/4 cup of vanilla Greek yogurt
1 big handful of spinach leaves
1 Tbsp. chia seeds
1 Tbsp. flax seed
About 1 cup of vanilla almond milk
Blend and enjoy! :)
Further proof that I am lucky:
Two of my friends, Kayleen Olsen and Tina Ivanoff, brought me these flowers and a big box of chocolates yesterday. They know that I've been struggling lately and stopped by to chat and make me feel loved. They are two amazing, lovely women and I'm so grateful for their friendship!
And, finally, yesterday was a big day for Tess. She got her first pair of running shoes!
Teeny tiny running shoes!
Tess and Maddie
I hope you are each having a good day, too. Thanks for reading!
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