Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Be Alive!

I got the best present in the mail today!  My friend, Casey Randall, sent me a handmade necklace, stamped with her motto "Be Alive!"  I love it!!!

My new favorite accessory and a bit 'o my Tess

I met Casey on the slopes of Mt. Marathon in 2009.  The first thing I noticed about her was her impeccable taste in athletic wear:

My "twin" and I, at the end of Mt. Marathon in downtown Seward, AK

We talked each other through that race, and I really enjoyed getting to know her a little bit.  Her innate awesomeness was immediately apparent.  She gave me her contact information after the race, but I was a shy fool and never hung out with her again.  But thanks to Facebook, I've been able to "stalk" (haha) her and follow her adventures with her beautiful family (including two adorable children).  This included watching from afar as she dealt with a cancer diagnosis and then conquered that awful disease.  Throughout her cancer journey, I was continually impressed with her positive attitude and her desire to bless others and lift them up.  Every one of her status updates and blog entries left me feeling inspired and amazed and more grateful for my own life and all the possibilities it holds.  She continues to motivate me to be a better version of myself and to go after the adventures I'm passionate about.  As I understand it, that's what her "Be Alive!" movement is all about and I am a huge fan!  Look for it and her on Facebook and prepare yourself for a dose of happiness and motivation every time she shows up on your news feed.

She also gifted me with two "Be Alive!" stickers and I'm rather proud of how my car's bumper is lookin':

Thank you, Casey!  :)

So, my knees have been aching lately during my runs.  I thought that it was because I needed new shoes, so yesterday, I bought the new version of what I'd been wearing: Brooks Adrenaline GTS 15.  I ran six miles in them last night, outside, and my knees ached for most of the run.  Sigh.  Now I'm wondering if my knees are simply reminding me that I've been overdoing it for too long and that taking it easy for most of a week probably wasn't enough of a break.  I'm now formulating a plan of attack to prevent further pain.  My training plan calls for a speed workout tomorrow, and I'm going to do that and just see how I feel.  It'll be on a treadmill, which I think will feel better than pavement.  I'm also going to incorporate more exercises into my workouts that will help to strengthen my knees and the muscles that protect them.  If I have to, I'll take a break from running and engage in a monogamous relationship with my bike for awhile.  :)  To be continued...

Maia and my old, as of yesterday, shoes

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful person Casey is! Great necklace with so much meaning and yes, your bumper is looking rad. Perhaps incorporate some intervals for your legs like squats and jump squats and sitting against the wall. Sit deep to keep the stress off the knee and force your quads/hammys to engage. Once or twice a week. You might consider walk/jog the distance rather than running. I know it's torturous to even think of that, but you'd still be logging miles. If the bike doesn't irritate your legs, go for it!
