Happy New Year!
2016 was a rotten, piece-of-pooh year. It was full of gut-punch trials and exhausting problems and so many damn tears. So, I now kick 2016's sorry bum to the curb, and embrace 2017 with open arms!
*Disclaimer (lest I be thought an ungrateful wretch): 2016 also holds many happy memories. I know that Heavenly Father greatly blessed me and my family (as He always has) and that He will continue to do so.
I began the new year with a 5.6-mile run (the above picture was taken right before I left to go running). Now that we don't go to church until 1 p.m., I think I'll start running on Sunday mornings, and then take a rest day during the week. That way, there will be one less day that I'll have to get up at 5-freakin'-o' clock in the a.m. Yay!
Normally, I don't run on Sunday, but I decided that it would be alright (and not breaking the Sabbath - for me, personally) if I used that run as a time to focus on all the things that I'm grateful for. I did just that, and I had the best run! I felt so stinkin' happy! It was frosty and gorgeous outside (and a bit slippery), and I trotted along mentally listing things that make me happy. I thanked Heavenly Father for my legs and my healthy body. For the beautiful, tall trees that are all around me all the time. For awesome, inspiring music (Tom Petty!). For chocolate and good books and my favorite people and so many other things. It felt like a really cheerful prayer.
Post-run, high on endorphins and gratitude.
It was a big day at church today for Tess. Now that she is 3, she officially enters Primary and becomes a Sunbeam. She no longer attends Nursery (read: snacks and toys for two hours). She was pretty happy to be a Sunbeam...until she realized what that meant (no toys and a lot more having to sit still and listen). It's a big change for these little ones, and she didn't want me to leave. I did, but had to come back after just a few minutes because she was crying pretty hard. The poor kid spent most of the second hour of church on my lap, and then Tyler spent most of the third hour with her. I know she'll make the transition eventually, and I don't mind spending time with her in Primary, but I hated seeing her so sad! Luckily, her two teachers are kind and wonderful and patient. They obviously really cared about trying to cheer Tess up. That meant a lot to me! Before the tears came, I got these cute pictures of her:
My wee babe is growing up. Sigh.
Our day ended with delicious pancakes for dinner at my parents' house and hilarious YouTube videos. All in all, it was a good day. So far, so good, 2017. Keep it up.
Thanks for reading!
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