Wednesday, November 30, 2016


On Monday night, we were very grateful for competent and kind nurses and doctors.  Little Tess fell while climbing down off of one of our kitchen stools, pulling it over on herself.  It gave her a small gash on her head that gushed blood.  It was pretty scary for a few minutes, as we tried to assess the damage.  Poor Maia and Maddie (especially Maddie) were pretty upset, worrying about their little sister.  It was sweet, though, to see how much they love Tess.  

Tyler and I took Tess to a pediatric emergency facility, and she was able to avoid stitches and have her gash glued together, instead.  Phew!  I was impressed with how the nurse sweetly spoke to Tess, and with her tricks for explaining what she was doing in a non-scary way.  She cleaned the wound with "tickle water" and then with "peanut butter medicine" (iodine).  Tess instantly took a liking to her, and once, when she had to leave the room for a minute, Tess said, "Where my friend go?"  :)

So far, it's healing perfectly, and the doctor said that she doesn't think the wound will even leave a scar.  Thank goodness!  It would be a lame place to not be able to grow hair...

The morning after, happy as can be.  

Tess and I went grocery shopping yesterday morning.  She loves to "help" me push the cart, and when she's done walking, she uses her improvised seat:

Last night, Tyler and I went to Maddie's first orchestra concert.  It only lasted 17 minutes!  Wowee!  Considering it was all beginning players, we were grateful.  :)  They actually sounded very good, and very in tune.  Maddie was her usual outgoing, slightly wild self, but as soon as she began playing she was all business.  

Warming up...

All done!  Concert #1 is in the books.  

This morning, I was able to get up (that has been even more of a struggle lately.  Sigh.) and go to the gym for Body Pump:

Our cool instructor, Lorraine.  The Valley has such great instructors!

After Body Pump, I ran 3.1 miles on the treadmill.  I pushed the pace a bit, and it felt good to work hard.  I'm not in as good of shape as I was earlier this year, but that's okay.  I'll get back to where I was.  I'm trying to enjoy working out more, rather than constantly worrying about my progress (or lack thereof).  

Thanks for reading!

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