On Saturday morning, I ran 11 miles. I never run with my phone, so I don't have any pictures to share, but just imagine this:
Picture the most beautiful woman you've ever seen. She runs with a smooth, fluid motion. She wears a practical but trendy running outfit that looks like it was made for her. She moves quickly and lightly across the pavement, almost floating. Nothing jiggles that shouldn't be jiggling. The falling rain only enhances her beauty, like tiny diamonds catching themselves on her flowing hair and dewy skin. She breathes quietly and evenly, and her breath smells like Andes mints and happiness.
I looked nothing like this woman while I was running. I chafed in few unmentionable places, and my farmer's tan was on full display. I also made the mistake of running with four beautiful women. At the end of our runs together, they always look just slightly sweaty, with a healthy flush to their skin. I look like I ran into a wind machine. In 100-degree weather.
But I love running with Gina, Christine, Danika, and Michelle. They've welcomed me into their running circle with open arms. They are all smart, kind, funny, speedy women, and I feel lucky to be their friend. Long runs are so much more pleasant when I get to run with them. We talk constantly (although, I am told to hush on the hills - haha), and the miles fly by.
All our muddy feet after the Hillbilly Half Marathon, March 2016.
Saturday afternoon, we took our three blonde beauties to the Hands On Children's Museum. All three of our babes adore that place! We bought a family membership, so I anticipate many hours spent there over the next year.
Maddie in the museum's Animal Rescue Center.
Arts and crafts!
Tess, naturally, loved "driving" all the museum's different cars.
Tess gettin' her creative on.
Maddie's favorite part of the museum is the restaurant.
Customizing the water table...
Maia realized that she's a bit too big for the slide...
Tess tried to promote animal harmony by putting the wolf in the Owl Hutch. Dinner is served!
And one cute pic from Sunday:
This darling beast cannot sit still at church to save her life. Lucky for her, we are easily charmed by her abundant cuteness.
This morning, I went to Body Pump, and then did 15 minutes on the Stepmill. I normally do 30 minutes, but I had to be home in time for Tyler to go to his first day of work at his new job. I've had to fight a few demons ever since. The demons that tell me that I need to work out again today, in order to make up for those "lost" 15 minutes. That I'm a wimp. But I already exercised for 75 minutes, and I know that I've done enough. I'll keep talking back to my demons. They hate that.
About to begin 60 minutes of Body Pump. My arms were shaking by the end!
Onto the Stepmill, and looking a little doofy.
The Stepmills at my gym are rather fancy. Today, I watched country music videos while I exercised. I'm especially grateful for the built-in fan.
Tyler is at his new job right now. I hope he's having a good day! I miss having him home all the time, but I guess a steady paycheck is more important. I sent him off to work with two plates of homemade chocolate marshmallow cookies. Tyler planned on passing them out with the message: "There'll be plenty more where these came from...if you keep paying me." :)
Thanks for reading!
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