Wednesday, February 24, 2016


On February 22nd, at 10:23 a.m., MST, I turned 37.  THIRTY-SEVEN.  I realize that this is not old.  By most people's standards, I am still young, with (hopefully!) many happy, healthy years ahead of me.  But I find this birthday sobering.  Beginning with my 36th birthday, I have felt a bit overwhelmed with a feeling of, "Time is running out!"  Time for what?  I'm not sure.  My therapist assures me that the Mid-Life Crisis is as certain as puberty, and that everyone will go through it, no matter how enlightened they are.  Comforting, yes, but I still wish I could avoid it.  Once again, I'm feeling the urge to pierce something.  :)  

What my face in this picture says to me: "I may be 37, but if you call me old, I'll cut you!"  

My first run as a 37-year-old, on the 23rd, required the presence of Tess.  I slept in that morning, as I struggled to emerge from my sugar coma.  I don't like running with the jogging stroller, but it was worth pushing that heavy beast to get my run in.  We breezed through 6.2 miles, except not, because stroller + cute toddler = a lot of weight.  But it was a lovely run, IN THE SUN!  I passed many a flowering bush, and feeling the sun's warmth made me especially eager for spring and summer runs.  

My darling running coach.  She likes to yell, "Go, go, go!" 

Post-run, cooling down with some walking.  Try not to be jealous of the horse bum on my forehead.  I am nothing if not stylish.

Tess was hitting the bottle hard...

I realized recently that I couldn't wash the stink out of most of my workout clothes.  To be fair, those poor clothes have suffered as receptacles of my sweat for a long, long time and through many, many workouts.  It was time to set them free (i.e. burn them).  So, I asked for workout clothes for my birthday, and boy, did my family deliver!  Here's what I wore for that first run:

Love!  And so far, they cling in all the right places, and stay where they're supposed to as I jiggle down the road.  As I wear the other ones, I'll let you see those, too.  The top is a tank top and the pants are actually capris.  This outfit is from Old Navy, and though much less expensive than so many other workout outfits, appears to be good-quality gear.  Time will tell.  

So far, so good, 37. 

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